This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce events.


June 14, 2024



Welcome & Registrations


KPMG Brasil
Rua Verbo Divino 1400
São Paulo, Brazil

See route

Contact us

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Talent 2024 (Sold Out)

Exclusive ticket for the Talents of the Orange Academy 2024

  • Complimentary

General Public

Tickets for the coaches, juries and special guests.

  • Complimentary

Live - YouTube

We know that this is a special day and that you would like to share it with more people, so we will be livestreaming the graduation ceremony.

Feel free to share the link with your colleagues, family, and friends.

It's important to remember that we will have an online vote during the broadcast, so the more you share, the more votes your group can receive. 

Here's the link to share:

Talents 2024

Connect with 71 people attending this event